Thursday, December 04, 2008

So Gentle, So Profound

It's absolutely, positively, really, really, really no surprise that I've put on about 10 pounds this last month. My trip to the doctor today confirmed it.

But I did so much better today, and almost went the entire day without chocolate. I even skipped Marci's beautiful brownies. (Did you hear that collective gasp? I think it came from California)

But I wussed out, and had one (really, just one) square of Isaac's Symphony Bar.

At bedtime.

And now I'm wide awake.

That's what the no soda, no caffeine lifestyle does for you.

So please indulge me so I can tell you about our wonderful Enrichment Night.

The tables were fabulous. The centerpieces were giant, clear glass vases with a bow tied around the outside, filled part-way with water with cranberries floating on the top. I thought it looked elegant.

The tables were full. We had a big turn out, over 85 sisters were there. Talking. Talking like we weren't going to talk to another grown up again. Ever.

After dinner we gathered in the Relief Society room for the sweet program.

And (finally) here's my point: our dear, sweet, wonderful, (more adjectives please) Relief Society president shared some thoughts with us, and one that really struck me was (forgive me if you've heard this before)...

We are all innkeepers. It's up to us to decide if we've got room for Christ.

1 comment:

The Coolest Allen Family said...

Now I feel bad that I missed Enrichment!

I hope you don't mind but I added you to my blog roll. If this isn't cool please let me know.

I love your blog!

Rock on! :)