Thursday, September 18, 2008

All in a Day's Work

Today is one of those days that gives me guilt.

After I took the kids to school, vacuumed, and cleaned the bathrooms I went and got my hair did.

I even went so far as to (gasp!) get highlights.

THEN (yes, there is more) I went to Tai Pan Trading.


(tifferbob, this store was made for you.)

And THEN I met Sandy at Kneader's for lunch. But I ran out of time, so we got our lunches to go and went our separate ways. (BTW: Sandy booked a cruise for her and Steve; they leave in two weeks.)

No worries, I brought home 1/2 dozen Kneader's cookies for David and the kids. That should just about cover it, right?

And now I'm home, and I'm too tired from my outings to fold laundry.

When is it going to learn how to fold itself?


JP said...

I have to say, I DID enjoy Kneaders when we were there. It was delightful. :)

Tifferbob said...

Oh, you know me well. I would love that store. Did you buy anything fun?

Tiercy said...

Ha, this must have been the week for our ward to go Tai Pan. I was there on Wednesday with my neighbor! I LoVe that store. Luckily for our bank account, I didn't buy too much. In fact, when I get it all togehter, I am planning to post about it.