Friday, September 12, 2008

We've Got to Laugh at Ourselves

I like Utah.

But sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get used to it.

So I'm really grateful for the moments that make me chuckle:

I listen to the same radio show each time I drive to work. One member of the church, two non.

One day there was a story about bloods and crips (gang members) within the prison system in California.

"Do they have that here?"

"Yeah, but in Utah the prison gangs are called Mia Maids and High Priests."

Hee Hee Hee

Today they were talking about 'Pressed Ham'. (Ahem) That's when someone not only bares a full moon, but then presses it up against a window.

This story was then shared...

Several years ago, a rebellious teenager (now prominent Lehi law enforcement officer) was upset with his mom. To get back at her, and while she was delivering her Relief Society lesson, he gave her his pressed ham up against the RS room door. Oh yes, it was a windowed door.


1 comment:

Tiercy said...

Love this post!! What station is that? I am so secluded in my house, what station is that?