Monday, September 22, 2008

What? Who? WHY?

What the heck?!

I don't know what's more disturbing...

The Fringe, with the women dying after delivering fetuses that immediately grow to a full-sized adult and then die (this all, of course, after they've had their pituitary gland removed and then the guy forcing himself on them)


Someone trying to eat Claire's brain on Heroes.

Who comes up with this new level of ickiness?


Jaye said...

I missed Heroes and The Big Bang (which I LOVE), can you bring it over for me tomorrow, Miss DVR???

Jennifer B. said...

Sylar didn't eat Claires brain! Did he? I remember her asking and he said now that would just be gross wouldn't it.

Tiercy said...

I know!! I keep telling Steve if he can get over the grossness of Fringe, it is really good. I am liking it. JJ is my guy after all.