Saturday, September 27, 2008

Once There Was a Snowman

I am really appreciative of the wonderful weather we have been blessed with recently.

Especially because I am just not ready to face winter. Do you remember the Ice Age we experienced here in Utah last year? Does Al Gore know?

So while I am so happy about the warmth, I am so sad about the early darkness that plagues us this time of year. The sun has completely set by 8:00 these days, with the darkness mocking and taunting me, reminding me of that which I cannot avoid: winter.

I seems like I had just given my kids a talk about how there has to be opposition in all things, when David decided to turn the tables on me, reminding me that without the winter, I would not be able to enjoy the summer.

Ok, fine. But can I fly south for this winter?

I'd settle for west.

1 comment:

Tiercy said...

If you go, I'm coming with you!! Even if it's spur of the moment, call me!