Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Holding the Eyelids Open

disclaimer: following is a bunch of boring moaning and groaning. I guess it's a good bedtime read.

Typing "what a day" just doesn't do it justice. I started out with an agenda. A tight agenda, knowing that I had places to be and laundry to fold.

Take kids to school (check)

Mop kitchen floor (check)

Visiting teaching (check)

And then she called.


The poor girl called twice from school because her (orthodontic) appliance came loose and she was in a lot of pain.

I hummed and hawed. Too many factors to make a quick decision.

Our orthodontist is only here on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and is at their other office in South Jordan on the others.

And I haven't even mentioned David's company BBQ up the Provo Canyon that I was supposed to be at. At 2pm.

But as I said, the poor girl was hurting.

I picked her and brother up from school, made the call, and we were on our way.

Her and I expected that the ortho would take out the appliance and put it back in properly.


They took it out and put all of her top brackets on. During an emergency appointment.

Blah, blah blah, we were on our way.

Got to dad's BBQ 1/2 hour late, the storm kicked up, the storm moved on.

Too Eagle Mountain.

And here's where I became the recipient of pity.

Maddie and I had to rush off to Eagle Mountain for our softball game.

The storm hung over long enough for the game to be canceled, giving me a much needed hour on my couch. Hallelujah.

I should have slept. But no, not when there are numbers to plug in to the new phone.

I'm exhausted and have a really bad feeling that I'm going to be late to work tomorrow.

Cross your fingers for me.

PS Oh crap! Just remembered that I burned up all my gas running to and fro today. I really am going to be late.

1 comment:

Jaye said...

You finally have the new phone??? yippee