Friday, September 05, 2008

Clinique Girls: Man Your Stations

I'm thrilled to have my friend Tiercy with me in the blogging world.

But I feel like I should include a long list of disclaimers and warn her that this is my darker side.

This week has me feeling sort of restless. The political world is going to be in my face for the next 59 days or so. How can something take so much energy, without me moving a muscle?

I suppose I am using a muscle. THE muscle. My brain.

My brain is trying to figure out how I feel about the VP choice announced this week.

My brain is trying to figure out why it wasn't Mitt Romney and his financial genius that was chosen.

My brain is wondering why Harry Reid wonders why.

Switching gears, my brain is also wondering why I went not once, but twice to the Cheesecake Factory in the last 3 days. My stomach, on the other hand, isn't speaking to me. My tastebuds love me.

I suspect that I'm in to a full-on ramble at this point. But don't let me interrupt.

Oh. One last rant: David gave me 6-day notice about his trip to Dallas. Shouldn't there be a penalty when the duration of the trip is proportionate to the notice given on the trip?

Good thing it's almost Bonus Week.

1 comment:

Tiercy said...

Thanks for the welcome! I LoVe your blog. Let me just give you a little insight to me about politics. I am...come a litle closer...even closer...I am apolitical. There I said it. I grew up with a very liberal (yes, a libral democrat) motherwho espoused whatever thing would suit her at the moment. It has totally turned me off to politics. Well...that and their empty rhetoric. So, for the next 58 days, I will come here for updates.