Friday, September 05, 2008

He's Just Not That In to You

Maddie is so Jaye.

She's on the couch, holding the cat against his will.

He's got the low pitch, under-his-breath growl trying to summon my assistance.

She has a sheet wrapped tightly around his body to prevent him from ripping her to shreds.

She maintains that his unhappiness is due to a catfight he got into last night. (trust me, I'm the lightest sleeper in the world: there was no cat fight)

If he doesn't watch out, he'll end up trapped under an up-side-down laundry basket.

And she'll convince herself that he wants to be there.


Tiercy said...

Ha! My Tyler would do the same thing if we had a cat. It's his life long dream to own a cat one day. Poor kid.

Melissa K said...
