Saturday, September 06, 2008

The Third Degree

Was I naive enough to think that THIS was going to be the only post of it's kind?

Here we go again.

Twenty minutes ago it became apparent that I didn't ask that most important question: are the parents going to be home?

They weren't.

But the teenage older sister was. Fat lot of good that did.

Maddie was invited over to a friend's house for games and a late night. She was invited to stay until 10pm, but at 9:30 I was ready for her to be home.

It was a bit chilly as I walked a block to get her. And as I got closer, I saw 6 girls running around, chasing each other with sparklers.



Of course, Murphy's Law, just as the thought 'someone is going to get hurt' runs through my mind, I hear my daughter's voice saying "I burned my finger".

I didn't let on to my anger/frustration, whatever - you fill in the blank, until we got home. I didn't want to give the neighbors a show. And when we got home she was lucky that all of the downstairs windows were open, keeping me from yelling.

We rinsed the burned fingers. I suppose I raised my voice a bit. She cried a lot. We hugged a lot (that's what she likes to do when she's busted). I asked her over and over if she has learned her lesson.

I've learned mine.

Remember to always ask if the parents will be home.

1 comment:

Tiercy said...

I am so not looking forward to these days. Write all your tips down so I can catalog them. I am willing to learn from other people. = >