Sunday, September 21, 2008

What Would You Do If I Sang Out of Tune

How far do you go to help a friend?

There are a couple of people on my mind. One is about to lose everything, including her home. Another is suffering physically.

There have been times with these two when it has been easy for me to give/serve.

Right now it's not coming to me as easily. Possibly because their situations are pretty hopeless, I don't know where to begin, whatever I give won't be enough...

Well that's just a big sentence full of excuses, and at a time when they need help the most.

I'm restless. I know I should help. But I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

And then I remind myself that we should lose ourselves in service.

Thank goodness for prayer. I can start/continue praying for my friends.

In doing so I'll probably figure out where to begin. And then I'm back to my original question:

How far do you go to help a friend?


Tiercy said...

I'ver wondered about that myself. Let me know what you discover. = >

Anonymous said...

Just knowing that you love and care for them is enough. Rebecca