Friday, September 12, 2008

Pinching Millions of Cheeks

Did you ever see the commercial with the little spring flower, I think it's a pansy, that has just blossomed and the lady reaches down to the petal, as if pinching its cheek?

I love it!

This week I feel like I want to reach out and pinch millions and millions of cheeks.

It was suggested to us that we seed our backyard instead of doing sod.

We were reluctant at first, but hey - it's about one tenth of the cost.

The seed was planted on Labor Day, and 8 days later the first few green blades peaked out at us.

I love it! I go check on the 'kids' often to see how they're doing, and to see how many of their siblings popped up since my last check.

We won't be able to fully appreciate our new lawn until spring, but so far it's sort of like going to the nursery and staring at all the little blades wrapped in their pink or blue blankies.

1 comment:

Tiercy said... cute! Yes, glad to know that other people act the same way we did when we planted seeds too. Yes, we watched our babies every night too.