Sunday, January 09, 2005

Keeping up With the Joneses

My husband is very much an individual. He's never been one to follow the crowd. A loner. A rebel. He has very little use for socializing.
He also works very hard and very long hours. So combining this with the aboves results in a homebody. He's perfectly content with retiring to the couch every evening.
So you can imagine my surprise this evening when he set out with a plan. As previously mentioned, we have had an abundance of snow. So much that church has been canceled for tomorrow. But upon realizing that the little sledding ramp I created in our front yard was smaller than the one two houses down, he left home to fill up the truck with snow, bring it home, and created a more sophisticated ramp for our kids to sled on with the neighbor kids. Darkness soon set in and a bone-chilling wind kicked up, sending everyone home. I have a feeling that our normal Sabbath routine will be not only affecting by the church cancellation, but also our sled ramp.

1 comment:

Jess said...

PS How's his bum knee you ask? These activities have resulted with him sleeping with his leg elevated and the bedroom smelling like Ben Gay. So hot!